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About Me


Hello my name is Jennifer, I am an indigenous woman;  registered member of the Chemehuevi Tribe (Nuwu).  I am also part Navajo (Dine') and Mexican American.  Being indigenous;  I believe that everything has a Spirit.  Besides humans, I believe all animals, plant life, the elements, everything on earth and in the sky have a Spirit.  We are all connected to Great Spirit the Creator of all.  My ancestors help me in all the work that I do, along with a team of Spiritual Guides, Animal Guides, and mentors.  I am a Spiritual Medium, Pet Medium, Psychic and Animal Communicator.  Ever since I was a little girl, I have had the ability to see and communicate with Spirits.  My earliest memory of Spirit visiting me was when I was just 2 or 3 years old. Every night as a child, a Spirit woman would come visit me in my room.  I was so scared because I didn't know who she was or why she visited me.  I wish I knew then what I know now.  I should have just asked the Spirit woman who she was, instead of putting my head under the covers.  Since the age of 11, I have known I was a Medium and a Psychic.  At that age, I was holding seances at slumber parties and using tarot cards for my classmates on the school lunch benches.  


That was just the beginning. I have been visited by Spirits throughout my life. What use to frighten me as a child, has turned into a strong relationship with Spirit.  This ability to communicate to the Other Side is a gift from God that I use to help others.  I want everyone to know that our loved ones do not die.  Our loved ones still exist and are with us even after they have passed to the Other Side.  Our love for each other connects us always.  I have studied mediumship with some of the best mentors/tutors in the world.  I studied mediumship at Arthur Findlay College in the UK, on the East Coast, and with various other amazing mediums.  I am honored to have been mentored by Mavis Pittilla for 3.5 years.  The lessons she taught me are truly the foundation to my mediumship.  After studying mediumship intensely for over 6 years with mentors in the physical body, I shifted my lessons to mentors in Spirit.  Spirit is now who continues to guide and teach me in my lifelong mission to be a channel for all Spirits.      


Ever since I was a little girl, I have always had dogs.  I have always felt supported and loved by the animal kingdom.  I have always felt understood by animals probably more understood then by humans.  As an adult I adopted my dog  ,Angel, and she and I lived 14 beautiful years together.  The bond we have is inseparable even after her passing.  She and I work together providing healing messages to people who are grieving the loss of their pets.  Angel's passing impacted me so strongly that it inspired me to write a book on grief to help people learn to live with their loss.  I currently have 4 rescued dogs who are my fur babies and my world.   


I am a Licensed Clinical Social Worker.  I have worked in the ICU, emergency room, hospice, palliative care,   outpatient mental health clinic and private practice specializing in grief and trauma since 2004.  I have worked with thousands of people who are dying and grieving.  I graduated from the University of Southern California with a Masters in Social Work and am a licensed  therapist in the state of California.  Although, I do not provide therapy in my Jennifer Ankele Medium business;  I do have a part time private practice in which I provide mental health therapy to people who live in the state of California.     


My extensive formal education, training, and hands on experience working with people who are passing away and people who are grieving; has truly affected who I am.  This has influenced how I provide mediumship readings.  My background has helped me to have more empathy, and better understand grief, trauma, and end of life issues.  I see my self as a guide for people in their healing journey.


I have combined my knowledge as an end of life and grief therapist with Mediumship and Kundalini Yoga to provide an alternative way to help people who are grieving.   This alternative approach is effective and will help people on their grief journey.  This unique and alternative healing can be found in my book Death Less: A Guide Through Grief.  You can find this book at or

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