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Pet Spirit Art

What is Spirit Art?  Spirit Art is art inspired by Spirit.  There are many forms of Spirit Art.  The type that I create is Evidential Spirit Art.  Evidential Spirit Art is a form of Mediumship in which I draw Spirit as evidence along with evidential facts so that you know I am speaking to your loved one in Spirit.


I have been a medium my whole life, yet I never drew, painted, or sketched anything especially not Spirit.  In 2021. I saw a vision of myself drawing and painting Spirit.  This vision inspired me to try to draw Spirit.  Suddenly with the help of Spirit Guides, I could draw and paint when I was never able to before.  Thus my journey with Spirit continues.


Pet Spirit Art are drawings of my communication to people's pets who have passed to the Other Side.  I also provide evidence in addition to the drawing so that the pet parent can know that I am actually speaking to their loved one.  I do not see any photos nor know anything about the Spirit I am drawing prior to my drawing.  This is what makes it evidential.  Sometimes my drawings are very close to how the Spirit looked when they were alive.  Other times there will be a resemblance, but the essence of your loved one in Spirit will be there along with the factual evidence I provide.  The factual evidence I provide will be 90% accurate.  I use graphite pencil, colored pencils, pastels, watercolors or charcoal for these drawings.  It depends on what I feel inspired to use.


With Pet Spirit Art, I connect you to your beloved pets who have passed over to the Rainbow Bridge.  I will draw the animal and present the evidence to you.  I CAN NOT guarantee which pet I will draw for the reading.  This is completely up to Spirit.  If you ONLY want to hear from one pet, then you probably should not request Pet Spirit Art because any of the pets in your life can come through.  Spirit is in charge.  Again, I have no idea which pet of yours will come through.  It can be your childhood pet, your spouse's pet, your pet who just crossed over or your mom's pet. If you only want to hear from one pet, then I recommend you book an individual Pet Mediumship Reading with me.  During that reading, I connect to multiple pets of yours and there is a much better chance you will hear from the pet you want to hear from.  However, there is no Pet Spirit Drawing and never a guarantee of which pets will come through.  If you have an open mind and open heart then you will be amazed with Pet Spirit Art.    


I am now offering "Rainbow Bridge Hello" cards as part of the paid Pet Spirit Art.  These are 5 x 7 inch cards that I create with the drawing of your pet in Spirit.  I will also write down evidence that your pet provided me and a short line or quote from them to you.  This way you can keep this special card with their drawing and evidence as a reminder that your beloved pet is always with you.  This card can be displayed wherever you choose.  You can choose to put the card anywhere special like your mantle, near your pet's photo, urn, or alter.    


If you would like to book a Pet Spirit Art Reading, then book your reading by clicking "Book Appointment" on this website.  I will connect to your pet in Spirit remotely and complete the drawing within 2 weeks from when you booked on my calendar.  Once I complete your drawing, I will email you the drawing of your pet in Spirit and share the evidence your pet in spirit gave me.  If you want me to put a photo of your pet next to the drawing on your "Rainbow Bridge Hello" card, then I will add it to your card.  Otherwise, I will just have your pet's drawing on the card.  Please provide me with a mailing address to send your 5 X 7 inch "Rainbow Bridge Hello" card.  It takes Canva, the printing company, up to 8 business days to print the card (USA only).  Then they will mail you your card at the address you provided me.  You should receive your card in about 4 weeks from the day your appointment is scheduled.  


Please ask your beloved pet in Spirit to come to me for the drawing/reading.  Do not tell me anything about who you want to hear from or even what kind of animal.  My drawings are drawn with NO KNOWLEDGE of who the spirit is nor what they look like.  After I have drawn your pet, you are welcome to send me a photo so that I can see the likeness of your pet in Spirit.  I can then add it next to the drawing on your card.  Also, the drawing of your pet is my artistic expression and my creation.  I own ownership of the drawing even after you are given a copy of the drawing.    


Examples Of "Rainbow Bridge Hello" Cards

Examples Of Pet Spirit Sketches Next To The Photo Their Pet Parent
Provided Me After The Reading/Drawing

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